Two days, two visits at “les Amis de La Martinerie”

Monday, April 11, adherents of the ANOCR 36 (Association Nationale des Officiers de Carrière en Retraite) visited “Les Amis de La Martinerie”.
Welcomed at 10:30 am by Jean-Jacques and Michel, our visitors regretted not having had enough time to discover all the rooms and promised to return.

Tuesday, April 12, in collaboration with our partner, the BAYWA r.e company, and as part of the “Secrets de Fabrique” event, we welcomed several visitors of the novel solar parks located in the southern section of the base for a theoretical presentation.

About twenty visitors who came to learn about the solar park operation, a park which stretches out over 35 hectares and contains 87 500 solar panels.

A new park should be commissioned by 2024 to double up the actual park capacity.


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Photo Credits: Jean-Jacques Bérenguier and BAYWA r.e

Members of the ANOCR
Members of the ANOCR

The participants in our association premises
The participants in our association premises

The two existing parks
The two existing parks