Safety training

At our request, and due to a large number of visitors, Châteauroux Métropole has agreed to set up a defibrillator, (Manufactured for both children and adults) within “la maison départementale de la mémoire militaire”.

On Tuesday August 23, 2022 in the morning, the members of the association's board of directors and a few selected volunteers, who frequently spend time in the building, welcomed Mrs Tiphaine Delétang-Renaudet, coordinator of the public health service in Châteauroux Métropole, for a training session.

Hoping we never have to use it...


Click on images to enlarge
Photo Credits: Marie-Hetzel and Jean-Jacques Bérenguier

Mindful volunteers
Mindful volunteers
Mindful volunteers
Mindful volunteers
Mindful volunteers
Mindful volunteers
A competent and convincing trainer
A competent and convincing trainer
A competent and convincing trainer
A competent and convincing trainer