Signature of an agreement between the "Amis de La Martinerie", J.François Delinot and the AECBA

It is with great pleasure that Jean-Jacques Bérenguier, president of "les Amis de La Martinerie", welcomed Françoise Lavenu, president of the AECBA (Association of Former Civilian Employees of the American Base) and Jean-François Delinot, owner of the photographic rights of the photos taken by the eponymous studio during the American presence in the Indre department.

The signature of this agreement authorizes the free use of the photos, currently held by the AECBA, by "les Amis de La Martinerie".

A part of these photos is currently exposed in the premises of the Friends of La Martinerie, premises located on the former American base, Normandie-Niémen regiment road, 36130 Déols.


NR newspaper article

Click on image to enlarge
Photo credit: Dominique Roosens
Signature of an agreement between the "Amis de La Martinerie", J.François Delinot and the AECBA